Tennis Fever..
It's the time of the year, every summer, in England, the Wimbledon Grand Slam Championships would be held. Being today, after attending church with my uncle, I went over to his place for dinner then slave in front of the tv to watch the Wimbledon match. I love watching Wimbledon tennis, don't know why. I like to watch it with my uncle too. He would give comments on the shots that the player does and sometimes show some of the proper ways of making some shots or slices.. He used to be a vry active tennis player during his youth but then due to his back injury he has now moved on to Golf.

On other note, MY uncle mentioned that AirAsia might be offering flights to Manchester next year. He was thinking of paying a visit to England again to watch the Wimbledon match live ! Which is cool!! I'll love to join him. I agrees with him that it's not really much of a hassle since accomodation is free :P !

I've already had the urge to play tennis since a month ago. But not much ppl is interested to play with me. A senior colleagues of mine expressed her interest to play but then at that moment when i raised my interest of a tennis game, i've already been requested to based in KL for 2 weeks. On Monday, i'll be flying back to Jakarta, hopefully by next weekend or so we can perhaps have a game or two.
I've really miss playing tennis. Been playing since secondary school, where every Saturday nite,a bunch of Tennis club members would gather and play without fail, unless perhaps if it's raining but sometimes if the rain is not that heavy we went too. HAHA.. students are vry free...
Anyway it's also time for me to get some exercise. Being back in KL for two weeks is just great! I've eaten soooo many local stuffs tis two weeks and i am completely stuffed !. Full and bloated almost everyday with great food. Msia is simply the food haven ! Therefore with all this eating and all.. exercise is a MUST!
I wonder if I could get myself a better tennis racket? :P

On other note, MY uncle mentioned that AirAsia might be offering flights to Manchester next year. He was thinking of paying a visit to England again to watch the Wimbledon match live ! Which is cool!! I'll love to join him. I agrees with him that it's not really much of a hassle since accomodation is free :P !

I've already had the urge to play tennis since a month ago. But not much ppl is interested to play with me. A senior colleagues of mine expressed her interest to play but then at that moment when i raised my interest of a tennis game, i've already been requested to based in KL for 2 weeks. On Monday, i'll be flying back to Jakarta, hopefully by next weekend or so we can perhaps have a game or two.
I've really miss playing tennis. Been playing since secondary school, where every Saturday nite,a bunch of Tennis club members would gather and play without fail, unless perhaps if it's raining but sometimes if the rain is not that heavy we went too. HAHA.. students are vry free...
Anyway it's also time for me to get some exercise. Being back in KL for two weeks is just great! I've eaten soooo many local stuffs tis two weeks and i am completely stuffed !. Full and bloated almost everyday with great food. Msia is simply the food haven ! Therefore with all this eating and all.. exercise is a MUST!
I wonder if I could get myself a better tennis racket? :P