Tennis Fever Part II

Introducing Prince Titanium Alloy Ultralite.. cost me a bomb. But it felt good. Yes! I know I'm out of my mind!!. But I needed it. I need something good for a change! :P
On other note, I bot the racket @ Amcorp. I just got this feeling that Amcorp has everything for me.. :D. Indeed. The owner of the shop is actually a tennis coach himself. Both he and his wife runs the place. They r vry nice people. The wife is actually a Penangite too. He've even invited me over to play a game or two with him and his students when I get back from Jakarta @ Astaka PJ. Every 7.30 to 9.30 dunoo it's PM or AM. Duno wat day too. But then I've no plan as yet. No transport to get there and dont think I wana carry the racket every trip I'm back. Anyhow if i got posted back to KL, I'll might be giving him a call.. :D Yep I've got his number.
Oh ya.. truly it's a great sports equipments shop because it even sold Butterfly brand table tennis bats, you can choose the bat base only, the rubber or the entire thing.! If I ever got the table tennis fever I'll know where to get it! :P
There's once I read a blog, it's Timothy's blog the founder of Nuffnang that quote his dad that sounds like this, if you could, always get the best equipment to play any sports so that you would not have any other thing to blame than yourself if you played badly.
Meaningful huh? Somewhat.. :)

Introducing Prince Titanium Alloy Ultralite.. cost me a bomb. But it felt good. Yes! I know I'm out of my mind!!. But I needed it. I need something good for a change! :P
On other note, I bot the racket @ Amcorp. I just got this feeling that Amcorp has everything for me.. :D. Indeed. The owner of the shop is actually a tennis coach himself. Both he and his wife runs the place. They r vry nice people. The wife is actually a Penangite too. He've even invited me over to play a game or two with him and his students when I get back from Jakarta @ Astaka PJ. Every 7.30 to 9.30 dunoo it's PM or AM. Duno wat day too. But then I've no plan as yet. No transport to get there and dont think I wana carry the racket every trip I'm back. Anyhow if i got posted back to KL, I'll might be giving him a call.. :D Yep I've got his number.
Oh ya.. truly it's a great sports equipments shop because it even sold Butterfly brand table tennis bats, you can choose the bat base only, the rubber or the entire thing.! If I ever got the table tennis fever I'll know where to get it! :P
There's once I read a blog, it's Timothy's blog the founder of Nuffnang that quote his dad that sounds like this, if you could, always get the best equipment to play any sports so that you would not have any other thing to blame than yourself if you played badly.
Meaningful huh? Somewhat.. :)