An acquaintance home.

One of the major problem in KL or PJ when one lives in a condo is the limited parking space.

Since August I've been renting 2 extra parking bays for my housemate's use. On Monday night I received an abrupt text message to recall the two parking bays that I was renting and rather short notice. Nevertheless on the same night itself I managed to secure myself another rental of 2 other parking bays from another person.

Tonight at 9pm I was supposed to return the parking bay access card back to the recall owner.  She had just sold her unit and will be handing the keys to her new buyer coming Thursday. 

We met and had a brief chat. I think she is at her late fourties or early fifties. She managed to sell her unit at a very good price. The curious me eventually asked if she mind if we have a look at her unit. She willingly agreed. We went up to the 20th floor and into her unit. What a cosy and nicely decorated home! She had good taste. She showed us around her house and explained how and what she modified. She is the first person who had the idea to closed up her yard area. She was telling us how she had to write to the mgmt in order to approved it. When I saw the yard I remembered I've actually seen this posted before in some property website such as iproperty etc. Her house even had a jacuzzi built in her bathroom! She is a designer by profession. No wonder she can come up with such great ideas. She also had those designers large apple Mac screen pc. Not only that she had 2 large and nice glass scriptures as decorations.  And on top of that she also had the idea of partitioning a long medium sized room to house a built in closet. Thats rather brilliant! Apprarently the buyer liked her interior design so much that they pretty much requested to buy the entire unit as it is, with the furnitures and stuffs. The new owner is said to be a Malaysian retiree back from Australia.

At first I was curious on why she wanted to sell the unit in the first place since she liked it so much.  It turns out she's actually non-Malaysian, she originates from Hong Kong and planned to return to HK soon. 

After the tour we said our goodbyes and I went back to my unit only to realise how plain it is. It's like heaven and nothing? HAHA! Nevertheless,  it was really a pleasure getting to know her even just for a short period of time and I wish her the best in all her future undertaking. She's really nice ! She even allowed us to continue park at her place for free till Thursday morning. Thanks again!

OH BY the way before we eventually met at 9pm, she was also the lady who shared the same lift when we got back from dinner before the meet up. That time I really had some deja vu and im right! Its her! Haha talk about coincidence! 



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