Vodka Min Max @ Jakarta with blurred effect
My face turned red and my heart beats intensely.. woo.. really high n blur... i am actually struggling here to finish this post. It would be quite sometime for me to do this again as I don't think I would be so crazy enough to purposely buy those alcoholic drinks. Being here in Jakarta and @ my apartment, i am daring enough to do such things as it's not hard to get back home if i get high or drunk, just a few steps and i'm back in my room..safely.. I would certainly never do this outside... no... I won't be doing this back in KL too for the same reason and also... we do not live together here like now where it's easy to just purchase those drinks @ the supermarket and then head to the poolside for drinks and chats..
For me it's quite cool to do some crazy stuff sometimes.. adds some thrills to my life.. the experience of being stupid for a while there is quite relaxing.. following what my heart wants me to do eventhough it is not value added... to forget abt rules and procedures just to enjoy the moment.... being CARE-FREE..