White Water Rafting...
Yeee Haa....
I went for White Water Rafting ! Another event organized by us the ever so active n FREE bunch of ppl rotting in Jakarta......
It was planned like a month ago.. At first I was really excited and all.. eager to go.. then LL said that it could turn out dangerous...then me being so small size, n duno how to swim.. for a moment there I was a bit nervous to go....
again so ngam.. back from the training from Bandung just leave me feeling exhausted. I just had no mood to go.. At 1st i planned to trade my place with others.. many ppl want to go but dont have the chance .. only 26 places.. then duno it's god's will or what.. those whom i asked end up dont wan to go already... then a few days passed.. we were suppose to go on a Sunday.. and I am not so tired anymore.. and also me being so adventourous.. really would like to try it.. then i try to decide by tossing the coin.. i had 2 witness.. my roommate n housemate in Jakarta. both of em wants me to go..the rule according to me.. if tails = go, if head = no go.....
me being undecided.. took a long time to toss the coin..having the feeling of wanting to decide for myself.. then suddenly.. the coin dropped on the floor !! and it was TAILS ! I have to go.. i can't say no now !! Glad i went.. actualli in my heart I longed to go too.. God has decided for me that day.. and the result was I had a nice experience.. even got myself a CERT !... Completed level 3 of White Water Rafting...! Yippee!!
Another thing about the trip is that for the 1st time of many of us.. we took our 1st ride on lorries!! both big n small lorries... we got so high.. we behave basically worst than those living in the jungle !!!! hahaha....
Here's some photos.. of rafting.. oh ya... and paintball too.. we played a game for fun.. I in particular love our team's pic.. really standout.. all our team members look great! with my commander having a great pose too! Enjoy !
Team 3
Rafting Time
During rafting we had our pictures taken too by professional photographer.. but it would only be delivered to us by mail... can't wait for it to come..... :D
I went for White Water Rafting ! Another event organized by us the ever so active n FREE bunch of ppl rotting in Jakarta......
It was planned like a month ago.. At first I was really excited and all.. eager to go.. then LL said that it could turn out dangerous...then me being so small size, n duno how to swim.. for a moment there I was a bit nervous to go....
again so ngam.. back from the training from Bandung just leave me feeling exhausted. I just had no mood to go.. At 1st i planned to trade my place with others.. many ppl want to go but dont have the chance .. only 26 places.. then duno it's god's will or what.. those whom i asked end up dont wan to go already... then a few days passed.. we were suppose to go on a Sunday.. and I am not so tired anymore.. and also me being so adventourous.. really would like to try it.. then i try to decide by tossing the coin.. i had 2 witness.. my roommate n housemate in Jakarta. both of em wants me to go..the rule according to me.. if tails = go, if head = no go.....
me being undecided.. took a long time to toss the coin..having the feeling of wanting to decide for myself.. then suddenly.. the coin dropped on the floor !! and it was TAILS ! I have to go.. i can't say no now !! Glad i went.. actualli in my heart I longed to go too.. God has decided for me that day.. and the result was I had a nice experience.. even got myself a CERT !... Completed level 3 of White Water Rafting...! Yippee!!
Another thing about the trip is that for the 1st time of many of us.. we took our 1st ride on lorries!! both big n small lorries... we got so high.. we behave basically worst than those living in the jungle !!!! hahaha....
Here's some photos.. of rafting.. oh ya... and paintball too.. we played a game for fun.. I in particular love our team's pic.. really standout.. all our team members look great! with my commander having a great pose too! Enjoy !
Team 3
Rafting Time
During rafting we had our pictures taken too by professional photographer.. but it would only be delivered to us by mail... can't wait for it to come..... :D