The case of Almost...
I almost missed my bus back to Butterworth yesterday evening.
But before I tell you why... Let me tell u something else 1st... I have bought myself a new phone! :D Motorola MotoRazr V3xx .. Now i can surf the net anywhere at anytime t
hanks to the 3g feature! I can also listen to mp3 on the move ! Yay! something i wanted so long!! U see.. I travel a lot... so mp3 player is a must to kill time n boredome !
But before I tell you why... Let me tell u something else 1st... I have bought myself a new phone! :D Motorola MotoRazr V3xx .. Now i can surf the net anywhere at anytime t

Anyway... it is also due to that phone that I almost...... missed my bus.. How? You see.. I came back from the IT Mall @ Sect 14 with my phone at around 3pm.. I have actualli packed my bags and I'm ready to go but i wanted to load some songs to my hp so that I can listen to them later on the bus on my way back to Penang... I took some time..installing the software, selecting the songs.. transfering them.... and then charging my phone, battery getting low...
I'm only able to call for taxi at around 4.20pm... my bus is due to leave at 5.30pm.. YIKES ! At 4.45pm I have yet to receive any confirmation from the Taxi Call Center.. I began to panic.. So i called them instead.. According to them there is no taxi to puduraya.. WTH !! Couldnt u call back earlier.. waste my time !! So i called another taxi center... No TAXI too !! None to pudu ! I wonder is it because it's jammed due to National Day? Then I tried to get cab to Paramount LRT instead. But tat faggot took like 15 min to arrive...!!! I rushed to the LRT, upon arriving it was already 5.09 pm... How the hell am I goin to catch the 5.30 bus.. I was furious.. Then after that....i began to give up... the LRT came then i made my journey.. the entire journey i am so down... i dun dare to look at the time.. hoping i can still make it.. Then i reached Masjid Jamek, walked to take STAR Lrt to Plaza Rakyat.. the station for Puduraya... I went down to the platform and enquired for my bus.. then the guy replied.. nope this the the 6pm to Penang bus.. how my heart dropped.. I asked.. what about butterworth??.. the guy said.. Nope.. Havent arrive yet.. the bus is late ! Boy I was shocked.. WHAT ? Late ???! COOL !!
I waited.. and waited... the bus is no where to be seen, but busses goin to Penang for 5pm, 6pm and 6.30 pm have arrived.. no news for Butterworth busses... I guess the bus might be delayed halfway... as after the incident of a terrible bus accident last few weeks that killed a lot of people.. The authorities are performing checks at selected tol area to kick out dangerous drivers that is under the influence of drug or blacklisted drivers.. From the news, sometimes I heard some of the buses is stopped and in order to continue the journey, the bus must wait until a new replacement driver came to take over.. I think it is almost the same case..
When I heard that the bus is goin to be vry late and might only reach puduraya round 8 or more and that I can actually board the Penang bus but I have to stop at the Juru Tol. I immediately took the offer... To me it's ok ... I'm on the mainland.. Juru is not vry far away from Seb Jaya. I managed to get my fren to pick me up there.. so no worries.. :) So i quickly get on the 6.30pm Pg bus. During the journey.. i managed to listen to some songs before my phone went dead... haha apparently 1/2hr of charging is just not enough... all the pains.. for nothing.. haha...
I reached Juru at around 10.45, my fren came n picked me up. Reached home around 11pm ++ and i had a good nite sleep till 10.30am this morning .. I had a great lunch today.. all home cooked.. the best thing being home is that.. I dont have to worry about getting food to eat.. just go downstairs and lunch is served ! :P Home sweet home... planned to visit Sunway Carnival later... still charging my phone.. haha... more mp3 later...
A happy ending afterall ??...... :D