Crazy Weekend
It's been a crazy week with minimal work done. Since last week I have been leaving the office early everyday. Everyone actually has already lost interest in working for the Bank NISP project.This project has really been a drag to everyone. Upside down schedules, poor management and a lot of problem here and there. Mainly due to the Bank's internal IT people. The system is tampered almost everyday.. by them doing all sorts of nonsense experiments that almost everytime cause problem to our new system.Some of the things they do include removing objects from the system .. just to test and see.. how versatile it is... come on man.. can we do this after we get everything straighten out 1st? We are seriously lagging behind.. can we stop all this nonsense?
Anyway.. I am here not to complain but to highlight why this week is a crazy week. It all started last Sunday, where me and my current apartment roommate in Jakarta has this urge to eat "PAN MEE", a delicacy easily found in any hawker centre in Malaysia.So we decided to make our own. We did and the process was really tiring due to we need to make a dough out then slowly .. making it more softer and lighter to tear into small pieces before cooking it with some anchovies broth.This is the 1st time both of us cook this "PAN MEE". The result ? Was fabulous..Really has the Malaysian feel to it.. yummy..
The next day.. we cooked fried macroni with some left over meat from "the PAN MEE" for dinner. It's a really fun week with good food.
A few days afterwards, one of our colleague suggested that we go KARAOKE. We are quite a fan of KARAOKE. So we went with a few people, most of them my aparment housemates. We really enjoy ourself and you know what? The very next day, we decided to go there again, but this time many of the one tat went the previous day doesnt wan to join anymore. So we asked one of our housemate to join so off we go again on a Fri nite to karaoke. We sang from 9pm till 1am. Total of 3 hrs.. 1 hour delay due to some fault in the karaoke sound system..
The sign on one of the Walls of the KARAOKE outlet...HAHA

The K-TV & The controller.. Controlled by A Computer - LOLz

And that's not the end. On sunday, which is yesterday.. we went to Plaza Indonesia for sushi at Sushi Tei. The entire meal cost 130k ++ Indo rupiah per person. Approximately RM 50-60++. However I really like their creation. Frozen strawberry with ice-cream, mango fusion sushi and a vry nice sauteed prawn..which was vry vry nice...Actually on wednesday, the day before we 1st went to karaoke, me and my apartment roommate went for Sushi too at a sushi place called Hachi Hachi @ Anggrek Mall just downstairs from our apartment.After the sushi meal, we take a stroll at the Plaza Indonesia. It is really a really high class shopping place. You wan branded stuff? Gucci, Armani, you name it you got it.. truly a place for rich folks only.....then we head back home.
Things get a bit bored the rest of the afternoon, most of us just took a nap or watch some drama series. Then there's nothing good on tv too. Suddenly and idea crop up. Let's play again 4 of us.. my housemate and me.. called another friend to borrow their mahjong set but.. she seem to be bz and was not picking up our calls.
However, we finally managed to get her and we left for her apartment tower at 9.30pm for the game. We arrived and we played mahjong at her house!!..None of us really know how to play.. we r just learning how and experiment it. Some of us knows a bit and a bit..
Finally we had a round then two then 3.. we had funny moments where someone just shouted they win but end up.. they cant really win as it's not the correct tile...also..we r quite slow in deciding that tiles to go..haha well inexperience ppl..forgive us...I manage to win 2 game...not bad for a beginner.. we r not playing with bets too..just for fun...However starting from next round onwards, we will start playing with actual money.. woooo.. Tension!! HAHA.. we plan to buy a mahjong set too ..
It's really been a crazy week, the food, the play, the relaxation.. that's wat we do here.. being in this foreign place with nothing much to do......
Anyway.. I am here not to complain but to highlight why this week is a crazy week. It all started last Sunday, where me and my current apartment roommate in Jakarta has this urge to eat "PAN MEE", a delicacy easily found in any hawker centre in Malaysia.So we decided to make our own. We did and the process was really tiring due to we need to make a dough out then slowly .. making it more softer and lighter to tear into small pieces before cooking it with some anchovies broth.This is the 1st time both of us cook this "PAN MEE". The result ? Was fabulous..Really has the Malaysian feel to it.. yummy..
The next day.. we cooked fried macroni with some left over meat from "the PAN MEE" for dinner. It's a really fun week with good food.
A few days afterwards, one of our colleague suggested that we go KARAOKE. We are quite a fan of KARAOKE. So we went with a few people, most of them my aparment housemates. We really enjoy ourself and you know what? The very next day, we decided to go there again, but this time many of the one tat went the previous day doesnt wan to join anymore. So we asked one of our housemate to join so off we go again on a Fri nite to karaoke. We sang from 9pm till 1am. Total of 3 hrs.. 1 hour delay due to some fault in the karaoke sound system..
The sign on one of the Walls of the KARAOKE outlet...HAHA
The K-TV & The controller.. Controlled by A Computer - LOLz
And that's not the end. On sunday, which is yesterday.. we went to Plaza Indonesia for sushi at Sushi Tei. The entire meal cost 130k ++ Indo rupiah per person. Approximately RM 50-60++. However I really like their creation. Frozen strawberry with ice-cream, mango fusion sushi and a vry nice sauteed prawn..which was vry vry nice...Actually on wednesday, the day before we 1st went to karaoke, me and my apartment roommate went for Sushi too at a sushi place called Hachi Hachi @ Anggrek Mall just downstairs from our apartment.After the sushi meal, we take a stroll at the Plaza Indonesia. It is really a really high class shopping place. You wan branded stuff? Gucci, Armani, you name it you got it.. truly a place for rich folks only.....then we head back home.
Things get a bit bored the rest of the afternoon, most of us just took a nap or watch some drama series. Then there's nothing good on tv too. Suddenly and idea crop up. Let's play again 4 of us.. my housemate and me.. called another friend to borrow their mahjong set but.. she seem to be bz and was not picking up our calls.
However, we finally managed to get her and we left for her apartment tower at 9.30pm for the game. We arrived and we played mahjong at her house!!..None of us really know how to play.. we r just learning how and experiment it. Some of us knows a bit and a bit..
Finally we had a round then two then 3.. we had funny moments where someone just shouted they win but end up.. they cant really win as it's not the correct tile...also..we r quite slow in deciding that tiles to go..haha well inexperience ppl..forgive us...I manage to win 2 game...not bad for a beginner.. we r not playing with bets too..just for fun...However starting from next round onwards, we will start playing with actual money.. woooo.. Tension!! HAHA.. we plan to buy a mahjong set too ..
It's really been a crazy week, the food, the play, the relaxation.. that's wat we do here.. being in this foreign place with nothing much to do......